Sunday, March 11, 2007

The new model fund grows

A while back I mentioned some of my gear I'd put up for sale on e-bay. Any money I earn will be used to buy new models. All but one of my items sold (who wouldn't want four books from the Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, I ask you?) so I now have an extra £17.81 to spend on my Hordes of Chaos fantasy army. I still have the Archaon model to paint up as my Exalted Champion, then I may invest in some Marauder horse and some Warhounds to try and cope with those Dark Elf Dark Riders.

Of course, I won't have exactly £17.81 to spend, as I was rudely reminded that e-bay charge a selling fee. I got an invoice for my last lot of sales of £2.01. When I look at all of this together I get...

Total income from sales (any my penny jar) £40.49
Less selling fees (so far) £2.01
Less models bought £20.00
New model fund £18.48

I reckon it will take me a couple of weeks to paint the Archaon model, so I have that long to raise the funds to buy the Marauder horse and two more packs of Warhounds. That would cost £39 in total, so I better get listing!

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