Monday, February 26, 2007

Battling back through time

While flipping through an old notepad the other day I came across some notes describing my previous battles between my Chaos army and the dastardly Dark Elves. Since I plan on writing up full battle reports for all my forthcoming games, for the sake of completism, I will type up these notes here. So let me take you back in time...

Game 1 500pts

  • Aspiring Champion with Shield
  • 12 Warriors full command
  • 4 Knights, champion and standard
  • 6 Warhounds
Dark Elves
  • Noble
  • 10 Repeater crossbows
  • 16 Spearelves full command
  • 8 Dark Riders spears
I had my Warhounds on the left flank, the Knights on the right and the Warriors in the centre. The Dark Elves deployed squashed up on my right with the crossbows on the hill and the Spearelves at its foot.

I won first turn and moved the whole army forward. The Dark Riders charged my Knights, were beaten and overrun. The Knights then charged the Crossbows, hit them and destroyed them all. The Warhounds and Warriors got into a brawl with the Spearelves. The Elf noble was killed in single combat by the Aspiring Champion. The rest of the unit routed and were wiped out.

A convincing victory for Chaos!

Game 2 500pts

  • Aspiring Champion with Shield
  • 12 Warriors full command
  • 4 Knights, champion and standard
  • 6 Warhounds
Dark Elves
  • Noble
  • 10 Repeater crossbows
  • 16 Spearelves full command
  • 8 Dark Riders spears
We played another game immediately as the first was so quick!

This time the Elves began on my far right so I put the Knights over there along with the hounds. The Druchii won first turn. The Dark Riders galloped down the flank while my Warriors and Knights pushed up through the centre. The Dark Riders hit the flank of the Knights and killed one. The Knights held and the War hounds then hit the Riders in the flank. The DE cavalry broke and were pursued by the Knights who eventually caught and slaughtered them. The bloodthirsty Knights ran off the table.

Meanwhile my Warriors were being whittled down by the Crossbows. They made combat with the Spearelves. My depleted unit was beaten and run down. My hounds got shot to pieces by the Crossbows and my Knights didn't come back quickly enough to rejoin the fray.

A loss for the Hordes of Chaos.

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